
Prosty przykład jak używać socketów z poziomu pluginu amxx
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#include <amxmodx>
#include <amxmisc>
#include <sockets></sockets></amxmisc></amxmodx>
#define SITE "/index.php/2011/09/12/info-po-smierci/6"
#define HOST ""
#define PLUGIN "New Plug-In"
#define VERSION "1.0"
#define AUTHOR "DarkGL"
new g_Socket;
public plugin_init() {
register_plugin(PLUGIN, VERSION, AUTHOR)
register_clcmd("say /test","test")
public test(id){
new iError,szSendBuffer[512]
g_Socket = socket_open(HOST, 80, SOCKET_TCP, iError)
switch (iError)
case 1:
log_amx("Unable to create socket.")
return ;
case 2:
log_amx("Unable to connect to hostname.")
return ;
case 3:
log_amx("Unable to connect to the HTTP port.")
return ;
format(szSendBuffer, charsmax(szSendBuffer), "GET %s^nHost:%s^r^n^r^n", SITE, HOST)
socket_send(g_Socket, szSendBuffer, charsmax(szSendBuffer))
set_task(1.0, "socketAnswer", .flags = "b")
public socketAnswer(){
if (socket_change(g_Socket)) {
new szData[1024]
socket_recv(g_Socket, szData, charsmax(szData) )
remove_task( 0 );
#include <amxmodx> #include <amxmisc> #include <sockets></sockets></amxmisc></amxmodx> #define SITE "/index.php/2011/09/12/info-po-smierci/6" #define HOST "" #define PLUGIN "New Plug-In" #define VERSION "1.0" #define AUTHOR "DarkGL" new g_Socket; public plugin_init() { register_plugin(PLUGIN, VERSION, AUTHOR) register_clcmd("say /test","test") } public test(id){ new iError,szSendBuffer[512] g_Socket = socket_open(HOST, 80, SOCKET_TCP, iError) switch (iError) { case 1: { log_amx("Unable to create socket.") return ; } case 2: { log_amx("Unable to connect to hostname.") return ; } case 3: { log_amx("Unable to connect to the HTTP port.") return ; } } format(szSendBuffer, charsmax(szSendBuffer), "GET %s^nHost:%s^r^n^r^n", SITE, HOST) socket_send(g_Socket, szSendBuffer, charsmax(szSendBuffer)) set_task(1.0, "socketAnswer", .flags = "b") } public socketAnswer(){ if (socket_change(g_Socket)) { new szData[1024] socket_recv(g_Socket, szData, charsmax(szData) ) log_amx(szData); socket_close(g_Socket); remove_task( 0 ); } }

#define SITE                "/index.php/2011/09/12/info-po-smierci/6"
#define HOST                    ""

#define PLUGIN "New Plug-In"
#define VERSION "1.0"
#define AUTHOR "DarkGL"

new g_Socket;

public plugin_init() {
register_plugin(PLUGIN, VERSION, AUTHOR)

register_clcmd("say /test","test")

public test(id){
new iError,szSendBuffer[512]

g_Socket = socket_open(HOST, 80, SOCKET_TCP, iError)

switch (iError)
case 1:
log_amx("Unable to create socket.")
return ;
case 2:
log_amx("Unable to connect to hostname.")
return ;
case 3:
log_amx("Unable to connect to the HTTP port.")
return ;

format(szSendBuffer, charsmax(szSendBuffer), "GET %s^nHost:%s^r^n^r^n", SITE, HOST)
socket_send(g_Socket, szSendBuffer, charsmax(szSendBuffer))

set_task(1.0, "socketAnswer", .flags = "b")

public socketAnswer(){
if (socket_change(g_Socket)) {
new szData[1024]

socket_recv(g_Socket, szData, charsmax(szData) )



remove_task( 0 );
Pobiera on kod html strony oczywiście socketów można używać do jeszcze wielu innych rzeczy (wymienianie informacji między serwerami itp.) A tutaj linki do tutoriali (po angielsku)

3 komentarzy o “Sockety

  1. Fajnie, dziękować, ale mam taki kod, do którego sam doszedłem i nie najlepiej to działa. Raz pobiera stronę, raz tylko kilka pierwszych znaków, nie wiem dlaczego.

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